Tuesday, May 5, 2009

working on my new website.

so im creating a new website. im not sure how i want it to look really. here are some screen shots of the new site i am building. please let me know what you think

Thursday, April 30, 2009

its been a terrible day!

so much school! so little time! Im so stoked for Make it this weekend! its Vancouvers Premiere Art, Design and Music market happening this weekend only! May 1rst to 3rd.
friday 4pm-9pm
Saturday 10am-5pm
Sunday 11am-5pm
Come join us!
Roy was Here will be there and im stoked to be able to share our tshirts with all who comes out to check it out!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

bottles of juice.

finishing all my work for the grad show is getting quite challenging. i found that while procrastinating from actual work that i was pondering on the vitamin water fad. (i had a bottle of aquafina plus+ sitting in my station that i had drank. it was rather tasty) and i came up with this.

Friday, April 24, 2009

whistling is contagious.

so this is my first post. thought i would just give it a try. I am currently enrolled in digital graphic design but my background is in fine arts. I am inspired by people around me whether in class or in the world. sometimes i catch a snippet of someone talking in passing and find that i have already thought of an illustration of that comment or phrase in my head. its awesome. so anyway. heres my first one.